Sunday, September 16, 2012

28 Things

As I celebrate my 28th birthday I'll share 28 things about myself... I thought this was a great idea after seeing a similar list at Passionate Homemaking!

1. I played soccer for a long time, then became our team's manager in high school to my dad's dismay, I loved the game but didn't need to keep playing!
2. I would love to be a librarian some day, especially a children's librarian, after any children I have are all grown up
3. I thought I wanted to be a forensic scientist for a little while when I was in high school
4. I loved my days as a kindergarten teacher, but felt like 3rd graders were very grown up and way too cool for me, when I met people in those days I was often told I looked like a kindergarten teacher! (I was never too sure about what that meant, but took it as a complement of sorts)
5. I wish I had more energy to read, I tend to fall quickly asleep after any lengthy read, even a great book
6. I'd love to live in a more rural area, though I'm enjoying our city life and it's conveniences now
7. I really don't like driving if I don't have to, thankful for Matt who gladly drives us here and there as a family
8. I don't listen to the radio as I drive and haven't for years, instead I'd really prefer the silence, though I've also adapted my ear to "enjoy" children's music which helps my little one on our daily commute
9. I met my husband in college as a summer intern with a student ministry, at one point in our friendship he thought he was feeling called to celibacy and told me so (I was sad to hear that news!)
10. 2 months after the conversation in #9, we started dating :) - to clarify he was finally being brought to a place of contentment as a single man serving the Lord which was a work God needed to do before drawing us together
11. we don't have a TV and really consider it one of the greatest choices we've made for our family as a whole
12. I never expected to go away to college, though my mom always encouraged me to, I'm so thankful for the Lord's work in my life during my years at SBU about 3 hours away from home
13. I hope to serve in the mission field again overseas with Matt and possibly our family some day, likely on a short term basis, those opportunities (to Belarus and Brazil) were so helpful to my spiritual life in college and I've missed knowing more of the Lord's work in this first hand way
14. I love writing letters and sending cards, and hope to do so more often
15. I've always had a sweet tooth, except when I was pregnant, unfortunately (or fortunately perhaps) my husband does not, so I try to reserve my baking of sweets to sharing with friends
16. I've never been bothered by my millions of freckles, and Moriah thinks they're made for kissing, she only has 2 thus far as we kiss them often :)
17. the Lord prepared me in His perfect ways for life as a pastor's wife by giving me a godly and loving mentor in my former pastor's wife, I'm still so thankful for her wisdom and influence
18. 4 (or more) seems like a great number of kids for me, though I pray that I'll gladly submit to my dear husband and our all knowing God when the time comes!
19. I love the movies Anne of Green Gables and Little Women though I've never read either of the books fully, I'm waiting to enjoy them with Moriah now
20. I'm so thankful to eat dinner together as a family most nights, and enjoy memories of my family doing the same as I grew up
21. I enjoy cooking and find it pretty restful, Pinterest has been such a recipe inspiration, though I'm afraid I've lost track of some favorites
22. I hoped that Moriah would have red hair and brown eyes like me, she does, though otherwise looks a lot like her daddy!

enjoying the Crayola Cafe during our trip to Kansas City a few weeks ago
23. I'd like to cultivate more homemaking skills someday when I'm home full time, sewing is high on my list of skills to learn along with vegetable and flower gardening
24. while I like to try and maintain a tidy home, if you walked in unexpectedly mid-day you might find yourself amazed by our messes, especially if we're cooking or in the midst of playtime, by nighttime it's mostly back in order :)
25. I didn't know how to really clean until I was married, my mom was quite a cleaner growing up and I never cared to learn (she didn't make me either) - oftentimes I still call her to ask why I didn't know that I should be cleaning a funny spot once I realize how yucky something can get (the drawer of the refrigerator or a vacuum filter for instance)
26. I love to go out somewhere once on the weekends (a local festival, new shop, new exhibit, etc.), and wouldn't really consider myself much of a homebody, I'd also always like to have a friend along on my adventures if Matt's not up for them (though he's a good sport most of the time)
27. I'm so thankful for long time friends and wish they were closer, it's hard for me to feel outgoing enough to make good friends initially though I love to "keep" them once we've clicked
28. I wish I took more pictures, or knew more about photography to capture memories of my blessed days as a mom and wife (thus the lack of photos in this blog!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great list! I really enjoyed reading through it and learning more about you. This is a fun idea, especially on your birthday. I hope you are having a wonderful day!:)