Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Recently Reading Fall

I really LOVE to read!  I can remember loving good books at most every stage of life, though the books were obviously different in each season.  As a college student I became more interested in non-fiction books than I'd been before, and now my reading seems to bounce back and forth between fiction and non-fiction reading.  In the summer time I tend to "rest" and enjoy more novels, but somehow knowing that my Seminarian-husband is constantly reading for class makes me feel like reading for information.  Additionally, much of my reading is based a current desire to grow in a certain area or learn more, after college you realize all that you don't know much about! 

When I began teaching I read tons of teacher memoir books.  Before I got married I read lots of books providing wisdom for godly Christian marriages.  As a pregnant lady, I read all about natural birth, nutrition, pregnancy, labor and delivery, and newborn care.  Now as a mom I continue to have interest in parenting topics.  I also enjoy reading for spiritual growth which comes in many forms.  Some books are of like-minded authors, while others may be very different.  Some are far more weighty reads while others offer a light sort of inspiration.  I read often, and strive to read more widely though I don't often "assign" myself reading that I wouldn't naturally enjoy :) 

Reading novels these days has taught me that so many authors are throwing in characters who face all sorts of issues and struggles that seem a bit forced to me.  I don't want to be "close minded" but I also don't want to read books that aren't helpful for my own thoughts, so I tend to avoid those genres and topics if they're explicit in a book summary or review.  On the flip side, I don't want to only read books marketed as Christian fiction, so I really haven't read many of them either.  I love historical fiction and tend to gravitate that way in reading novels.

If you're looking for books of interest, I'd encourage you to skim through my "Recently Reading" page that I try to keep updated with my latest books and a quick summary or reason for choosing them.  Leave me a comment with any of your favorites!  My library book request list is long and my stacks at home are even taller, though I'm always excited to find a new favorite.

By topic/genre some of my recent favorites are...

historical fiction: The Forgotten Garden

Christian fiction (historical fiction): The Preacher's Bride

Christian living: Love Does

Parenting: Simplicity Parenting

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