Wednesday, October 3, 2012

blogging change

I've recently had some convicting thoughts that are also teaching me more humility.  I'm thankful for humble and kind friends who help me learn as well.  In lots of ways blogging is pretty opposite of humility for me I've realized.  While on one hand I love to share ideas and hope that they benefit others, perhaps sharing these ideas turns into self promotion.  I really don't want that to be the case.

If in fact, someone would like to know more about my family's choices in parenting, training, educating, reading, etc. they'd ask!  I don't need the help of a blog or my words to advertise the "good things" I think I'm doing.  If no one is asking for my opinion on a certain topic it's really probably better not to share and be tempted with pride,  I think this will be a better gauge for me. 

I'm not assuming that others struggle in the same ways that I do, so I'll continue to read other bloggers.  I'll also keep blogging as I share some things, but probably mostly meal plans, books I'm reading, and my list of thanks.  The things I do in my days as a nanny and a mom seem less helpful to share in the big picture, though I may list some of our favorites each month.

I'm still thinking through these things, and hope to talk with Matt more about them!  He always helps me sort out my thoughts, and knows my heart well enough to encourage me to take steps towards godliness.  While I wanted to blog and remember these things for myself, somehow I can quickly become self-centered and prideful in the process.  I don't want to encourage that, but rather strive against it.  May I seek to serve only the Lord in the activities of daily life and in pleasing Him find my reward.

1 comment:

Friesen Family said...

Laura, This is the very thing I worry about as I begin to think about blogging. You posted that blogspot is easy so I checked out your blog to see what it looked like and this post is what popped up! I feel as though I could really encourage and help many moms be educated and aware of the things our children eat and how it effects their bodies. However, I feel as though I may have this spiritual battle with humility and pride as I begin to blog. Thank you so much for being honest in your post. I truly feel as though the Lord led me right to your post in perfect timing. I will continue to pray about it. Thank you Laura!