Monday, July 9, 2012

thanks with my whole heart

701. today's Psalm, chapter 9, full of sweet Truth
702. tea parties with stuffed friends
703. buttons and beans - two recently fun play times for Moriah
704. swimming as a family in the Seminary pool
705. a break from hot, hot days
706. air conditioning which makes it much more comfortable
707. deacons who care for the church in all sorts of ways
708. my husband who is willing to do hard things that are right
708. God's grace at work in a difficult conversation
708. peaches shared with us, "the best in the world" we were told, and I believe it!
709. sunbathing in moderation for my red head, freckled skin
710. time to prepare and plan in advance
711. almost 2 years with our sweet and healthy little girl
712. planning a birthday party to celebrate
713. 4th of July at the zoo as a family, so hot but not too busy

can you see the bald eagles down below?  fitting for a 4th of July zoo outing!

714. God who sustains us even in the midst of hard circumstances
715. a hope for all things redeemed one day, "Every word of God proves true"
716. memorizing Scripture with a little one
717. a fun project for Mr. S. in the works
718. another year with my husband, looking forward to God's plans for his 27th year
719. finances provided
720. new recipes that we enjoy
721. "please mama" in a sweet voice as we practice asking politely
722. God's gift of new life in the form of two little babies I visited this weekend
723. the amazing span of creation, and a zoo certainly can't contain it all
724. the joy of water fun for little ones

her shocked but thrilled face!

725. embroidery work, so peaceful in a quiet house as Moriah sleeps
726. making gifts for others when they seem just right
727. learning something new, a t-shirt quilt is coming together here
728. rejoicing that to "have it all" is only to submit to the Lord and find freedom is His perfect plans, even when as a woman the world doesn't understand
729. God's strength allowing me to weigh my words and speak more slowly, may He continue this good work
730. small growth in our little church, through the words and prayers of a faithful 90 year old friend
731. the first face painting

so happy to show off the tiny flower on her cheek


Meredith said...

What precious pictures!!
And the eagles! How exciting! I love bald eagles!

Loved reading your list -- I have two boys, and being a parent just is a bucket full of blessings, isn't it??


darnly said...

Thank you for sharing. Loved your offering of thanks and the pictures. What a beautiful daughter you have...enjoy. Mine are grown.