Wednesday, June 13, 2012

where are the meal plans?

If you've been wondering I haven't posted meal plans this week because I haven't really had any :)  I worked last week Monday through Thursday and left bright and early Friday morning for our wedding whirlwind trip.  I was able to keep things well stocked for Matt which is easy and he loves to be a "scavenger" as he calls it.  All he requires is oatmeal, peanut butter, and bananas, haha.  I added a few freezer meals and some deli meat to round it out and he did in fact survive well while we were away.  So since we've been back this is how the Lord has provided for our meals, with a few things we had and His goodness...

Sunday -
calzones from our local Lotsa Pasta were waiting for us in the freezer

Monday -
small group, "breakfast for dinner" theme, and I brought a 3 cheese souffle, it was one of our best pot-lucks ever with all sorts of yummy dishes

Tuesday -
pumpkin pancakes with eggs

Wednesday -
a $5 Subway gift certificate (given to us by my employer) will cover a foot long sub for Matt and I to split, we'll add sweet potatoes to round us out and Moriah will enjoy some deli meat, cottage cheese, sweet potato, and fruit

Thursday -
a friend is in town and will be over to visit so I saved our best meal for tonight!  cilantro lime chicken with Northern bean and rice salad - two recent favorites with new recipes, both perfect for summer

I'll head to the grocery store Friday as it's my day off and make real meal plans for the upcoming week.  I did brave Wal-Mart yesterday with three little ones and one regular cart, so it was a quick trip for only the simple items I'd absolutely need before Friday (beans, rice, tomato, bananas, fresh fruit, and a few household essentials like trashbags!) I'm thankful to have a few more days to get organized and inspired :)

I did "cook" with Mr. S. today so that he could enjoy a treat after his afternoon rest time... it's too good not to share with you all!  If you have little ones, or would just like a treat for yourself I'd highly suggest trying real strawberry milk...
Just make a simple syrup with
1 c strawberries, sliced
1/2 c sugar
1 c water
Boil all ingredients for 10 minutes
Strain syrup and store seperately from berries (the berries can top ice cream, etc.)
Stir about 2 TBSP strawberry syrup (more or less depending on preference and how long you want to stretch the syrup) into 1 cup whole milk
Enjoy!  Serve in a frosted glass from the freezer for a really special treat, at least your three year old will think so, haha :)

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