Tuesday, February 5, 2013

checking in on goals 2013...

I set goals this year, and want to check in each month as a source of accountability for myself. 

Here's a wrap-up of January's progress...

- Exercise (pilates on YouTube, toning, strength) 4 mornings weekly building up to 30 minutes or so
*didn't happen very regularly at all, with sickness, and too many late nights/late mornings I got out of a good routine, next week I plan to start again (post-vacation!)
- Spend time on-line only when Moriah is sleeping and fast from computer usage once a month for a week
*while I wouldn't say I met this goal perfectly, setting it was so helpful, as I thought more about whether or not I really needed "to look that up" right then... oftentimes not, it's also really helped me enjoy more time with Moriah while generally wasting less time
- READ from my book lists (new-to-me reading and re-reading), hoping to complete them both
*I've enjoyed 6 books this month!  I'm also getting ready to head out for a restful vacation at the beach where I look forward to more time with good books :)
- Complete three mornings (30 minutes each) of lessons weekly with Moriah from our ABC Jesus Loves me curriculum
*This has been my least met goal... I'm still re-thinking our "school time" and would love your input, Moriah's 2 1/2 and doing most of the things suggested by the inexpesive and well organized ABC Jesus Loves Me curriculum, because it's not particularly challenging I've been pretty lax with it... I really like some components and hope to integrate them more, we also spend lots of time playing in constructive ways and read tons of books so while "school time" isn't very rigid at all it happens all day which is more important at this age to me

- Continue daily Bible readings with She Reads Truth plans on YouVersion
*I've been SO thankful for these Bible reading plans and have been able to keep up with them
- Grow in prayer time using a prayer notebook and prayer calendars for mothers and wives
(I'm also taking a Seminary Wives class called "Lessons in Prayer" which will offer additional application I'm sure!)

*As expected, my Seminary Wives class is perfectly timed and so helpful, even one week in :) 
- Disciple a new believer in our congregation, meeting once a week (details TBD though I'm planning to read through "Big Truths for Young Hearts" with her as a general overview of systematic theology which will cover all areas of life - while it can be used with children the foreword also suggests it's useful for teaching young Christians of all ages as well)
*After talking with this friend in our church, she's explained this to be a too-full season, and can't add an additional time commitment, I don't want to be discouraged and hope her schedule will be freed to pursue this in a month or so

- Pay off remaining medical debt
*After this month's payment, we're only about 1 more payment away from our original debt, unfortunately early January required more doctor visits and tests due to illness for me, but we've yet to see those bills... we'll set up another payment plan for them, and hope to be diligent in repaying them, before Seminary graduation if possible
- Pay remaining Seminary expenses by semester's due date
*Praise the Lord!  We did :)  What seemed insurmountable 4 years ago has been done by God's grace and faithful providence, Seminary is paid!
- Save! (in general and specifically for our Florida vacation in February and children's consignment shopping)
*Our upcoming Florida trip is fully paid, and money was set aside for travel expenses, we're so thankful for time to rest and celebrate our anniversary and Matt's upcoming graduation as a couple
- Maintain a financial journal of God's faithful provision throughout the year, updating as He graces us
*A simple and encouraging blessing to me, I'm thankful for such a record to remind myself of God's faithfulness in the future, we're so quick to forget, and are exhorted to "remember" throughout Scripture

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