Monday, November 28, 2011

choosing to notice

I've found that most of the contents on these lists are very normal, life moments, ones that I might otherwise pass right by, and too often do. Thinking thankfully challenges me to praise God and not whiz through life blind to Him and His very good work all around me. I want to live these days well and remembering is part of that for me...

183. rainy day naps
184. a baby who will nap at the same time
185. the glow of a Christmas tree
186. assembling the pre-lit tree correctly for the first time ever! all lights on :)
187. Moriah's interest in the angel on our tree and with each nativity
188. Moriah's newest word "geeze" (aka "Jesus") as she holds each baby Jesus in the nativities we've collected
189. noticing the strange phenomena of rain through the eyes of a little one marveling at it
190. exercise and the productive work of it
191. ironing for my husband to serve him in small ways
192. trail mix! the great snack of Cheerios, pretzels, m&m's, raisins, and cashews
193. mini pumpkin pies and homemade whipped cream
194. the generosity of believers who welcome us into their homes even on holidays like Thanksgiving
195. discussions of accountability with serious questions showing care and bringing about godliness in one another
196. the voice of a baby who's just discovered it
197. owl pajamas on my sweet girl
198. singing Christmas songs and thinking of Christ born as a baby
199. God's providence in an early Christmas bonus, just the right amount at just the right time, He knows our needs even before we do
200. bonus points = free pizza
201. reflecting on past goodness as I re-read old Christmas letters
202. proclaiming the Lord's work now as we are testimonies of it
203. 6 days in a row off work
204. Christmas crafts in planning stages
205. gift giving for those who've been an especially "big" blessing
206. the promise of bulbs blooming in days to come and the joy of watching their transformation
207. the opportunity to be Moriah's first teacher
208. for the many temptations the Lord has protected me from in His strength and wisdom, not my own
209. warm socks
210. a hard working husband who's finished his semester's school work

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