Sunday, January 22, 2012

always more to see

322. for a willing and wise supervisor to oversee Matt's Applied Ministry class this semester
323. one more week of everyone home each evening, before the semester begins
324. those who kindly buy lunch though unexpected
325. coupons which help, this week I'm excited to find one for $1 off Crock Pot liners, one of my favorite winter cooking helps
326. creativity in meal planning
327. the opportunity to encourage those who've been faithful yet haven't seen earthly "results"... God is in control still
328. Matt's clarity and Spirit-filled sermons through Jonah over the last few weeks
329. life as a two car family (when one goes awry the other is especially helpful)
330. stories from the past, reminding us that though things change God is eternal and unchanging
331. the opportunity to welcome others into our home for a meal
332. Moriah's Sunday afternoon nap, in her crib for a normal nap rather than in the car
333. safety when the van's problems happened, we were able to cruise right into the parking lot of our mechanic shop (without myself, Moriah, and a van full of groceries stalling in the midst of city traffic on roads without shoulders)
334. Monday off to have the problems assessed without needing transportation to work
335. sweet tea
336. knowing that there are some who not only espouse solid theological thought but actually live it out when the rubber meets the road, lately we've been blessed to read many writings by the Wilson family in Moscow, Idaho (I've read one of Nancy Wilson's books Matt gave me for Christmas regarding the role of a wife, just finished their daughters "Loving the Little Years" and am currently reading Douglas Wilson's marriage book... Matt is reading ND Wilson's "Notes From the Tilt A Whirl")
337. giggles from a sweet girl enjoying time with her daddy, yesterday it included time in a fort sitting on his lap reading books
338. for Moriah's growing vocabulary that let's us know what she wants/needs most of the time, though we're learning that our vocabulary must include some responses that don't fit with her clearly articulated desires
339. Crock Pots
340. babysitting swaps which make date nights more frequent and affordable
341. Seminary Wives classes starting so soon
342. an unexpected vacation from work as the family travels
343. like mindedness
344. an abundance of weddings and babies in our broad circle of friends and acquaintances, all occasions for celebration
345. library story times, ours always include books, songs, and Moriah's favorites: bubbles at the end along with the "sleepy bunnies" song in which tiny little children lay down pretending to sleep, then wake up hopping like bunnies - so precious

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