D)">The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.
~Proverbs 15:3
"The eyes of the Lord" - an obvious personification of our great God who is beyond the physical limits of "eyes" that we have. He can see "every place", we realize that He is all knowing, and present everywhere; so of course, His eyes are "in every place". Sometimes I'm all to quick to forget such a simple truth. In the midst of my school days when it seems as if the lives of the little children around me are SO difficult, and I'm caught in the middle of it all - I forget the Lord's good and sovereign hand over their circumstances and my involvement in their little worlds. I desire that as the Lord keeps watch over me and watches, He is providing me the grace, which is all sufficient and comes from Him alone, to respond with kind words, love, compassion, and lots of patience. I desire that maybe He uses some small "good" for His glory, that the darkness of this world full of evil will be for a moment brightened. Please pray that it is so.
Pray for one little boy "A" in my room who was very sick and vomiting often today. The phone numbers we had were all disconnected, except for one which had a recording of someone by a different last name... so we left a message hoping it really was a family member. Hours later, after he had fallen asleep and then rolled over to continue getting sick his mom called. She had no car, would need to take a bus to the school - but needed directions as she didn't know where it was! She asked if we could send him home in a taxi... a 5 year old who was vomiting, in a taxi.
Another little girl "J" arrived today as a new student. She rode the bus this morning all alone with no siblings in our school, after moving here from a city that is about 2 hours away. Needless to say she was scared and crying upon arrival, too anxious to talk for awhile.
Pray also for another little girl "S", who is very troubled as we realize more and more by the day. She has been suspended (the longest suspension our district has - 6 days), sees an out of school counselor, but continues to struggle to function for a full school day. Her "melt downs" are extreme, unpredictable, and long-lasting. From the school's stand point there isn't much else we can do. I know that prayer is powerful beyond all human reason. I know that she attends church and hears of the Lord - pray that according to His plans, he can bring restoration to her young life and the circumstances she lives in.
I am thankful to serve a God who listens to our cries... it is easy to shed tears over these stories and others. I was quickly reminded of the Lord's purposes for me when I watched this video on Dollie's blog. (I'm trying to see if I can include it here...)
hmm - maybe that works? if not, check it out here on YouTube
Its called "The Invisible Woman" and really speaks to the unseen joys and seeming "burdens" of motherhood at times. I look forward to those moments now (knowing we'll be adding a baby to our family around August 11), but also realize that even they won't also feeling rewarding. For now, I'm taking courage from this video as I desire to be used according to the Lord's plans in the lives of 23 little ones at Semple Elementary each day. I wish I could share their names and their little faces, but privacy laws forbid it... if you pray for them our all-knowing God, knows even these little ones who are unknown to you.