Monday, June 4, 2012

thankful for all my days

581. generous church members who give so much, today 2 large Chinese cabbages, added to our fried rice and shared with neighbors who have more familiarity with it
582. God's provision through all things, even garage sales and extra work
583. my husband who faithfully preaches ALL of God's Word, even a difficult imprecatory Psalm, may God be glorified through His Word
584. fresh local honey, from another church member and beekeeper
585. trips to the zoo with little ones
586. evening walks as a family
587. smoothies for dessert, gulped down by Moriah
588. a little flower girl dress that fits perfectly
589. meals for the week prepared in advance
590. a serving husband who washed the dishes
591. friends for years, watching the Lord at work in many seasons of life
592. the enthusiasm of teachers looking for classroom treasures
593. an office cleared of clutter
594. the comfort of a new-to-us office chair
595. finding perfect small surprises for those I love most
596. shopping for gifts
597. time ahead with family and friends
598. windows open and fresh air
599. cell phones connecting lives far apart
600. a longer than normal chat with a good, but faraway, friend
601. reading a book that's gripping from the start...

I'm off to do just that, I've also updated my Recently Reading list and had a hard time decided how "recently" to start the list, I started with the last month though I have a head full of good book suggestions from previous months, hopefully I'll blog about them soon in case you're a summer reader like me!

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