581. a 20ish hour round trip with safe travels all the way
582. a clever shadow puppet show, fun for little ones
583. medicine to relieve migrains
584. planning birthday party fun
585. freshly baled hay lining the highway as we traveled through farm after farm
586. flat land as far as I could see, a sudden difference from our hilly Kentucky which has become the norm to me
587. a borrowed DVD player for Moriah's entertainment on the ride, 2ish hours of Scholastic storybook movies were SO helpful at just the right times
588. catching up with friends along the drive
589. a mid-day treat, ice cream while children nap (or rest quietly)
590. thirty minutes of grace time before work began today
591. Matt coming out to say welcome home as Moriah and I pulled in, she woke blearly eyed and smiled to say "Daddy" with pacifier and all :)
592. hospitable friends who welcomed us for a lovely weekend
593. the reminders and encouragement of a wedding ceremony and sermon
594. the way some things stay the same
595. the way the Lord changes us along the way
596. our small group meeting again
597. a tiny flower girl who made it down the aisle (then fell quickly to sleep in the church nursery!)
598. the joy of a wedding celebration
599. serving punch to happy guests
600. a week full of "normal" life - I like routines
601. the fun of a playdate for both moms and kids
602. the love of grandparents
603. a breakfast date with dad
604. the kind gift of a Starbucks favorite drink - in the biggest size
605. extra hands when I'm alone with a little one
606. stuffed animals shared
607. the excitement of new learning... comparisons are a thrill for Moriah these days as she finds two of the same thing and declares "big! little!
608. fellowship among Christians in the body
609. home
610. listening to Moriah shout "naked jaybird!" before bath time :)
611. seeing a devoted teacher 9 years post-high school and catching up
What a sweet place to end my day with. Love your gifts and how you share you heart. Blessings to you and your family for the week ahead. Keep on counting those 1000 gifts!
595. I am thankful for that as well.
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