Monday, January 14, 2013

Thanks this New Year



1266. a New Year and God's grace
1267. my husband who serves us when I'm sick and can't
1268. giggles from Moriah as she plays with daddy
1269. urgent care and no wait
1270. intentionality and the fruitfulness God gives
1271. back to a "normal" routine
1272. a playdate with friends and little ones
1273. finding new books to read
1274. God's amazing work on behalf of His people, that He would part the sea and lead them to safety, He has done no less in giving us Christ
1275. Seminary classes paid for, God's faithfulness seen so clearly to us
1276. talking with a faraway friend, feeling like faraway isn't so far
1277. encouragement for Matt in a phone call and a possibility, God will be faithful
1278. wise words that are timed to help me re-think my selfishness with time as a mom, thankful for The Mission of Motherhood
1279. chocolate pudding faces and delight in a special treat
1280. new houseplants adding green
1281. repotting our succulents into a "terrarium" of sorts
1282. a new recipe that tastes good to all
1283. breakfast-for-dinner pot-lucks, a theme that always delivers!
1284. community from friends who walk along with us
1285. the respectful way our church members nurture Matt and I, and love us well
1286. protection in a fall from a ladder, thankful for Jimmy
1287. our little girl learning to pray, thanking God and asking God every day
1288. a free class to try some little gymnastics, good for a cold morning
1289. grace lived out to me by my employers, I've never seen it so clearly
1290. my husband's service and care
1291. trusting in God for whatever He has planned, knowing it will be good
1292. a taste of a cookie cake shared
1293. trail mix
1294. that searching for pleasures of any kind will leave us empty-handed without an answer, Solomon in Ecclesiastes
1295. looking back and seeing God's purposes in such a book as Ecclesiasties, we will always be looking, or we we finally receive "it" only to our great disappointment, the rest that comes with contentment is promised in Christ alone

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Hi, Laura, I'm visiting from Ann's today and it's been a treat to count gifts with you. LOVE it when those babies of ours learn to pray-and LOVE knowing God bends low to hear their precious voices. Blessings to you and your beautiful family from a mom in Iowa!