I really agree that giving thanks and seeing the Lord's work in so many little ways can work to change my perspective. I tend to be an all or nothing sort, so when something is going on that's all I'm often thinking about as I prepare, and then when it's over I tend to be sad that it passed so quickly. Reflecting on those sweet times with a thankful heart helps me to cherish God's good gifts, and give Him glory. We're coming off of a weekend with family as we celebrated my little girl's birthday a few days early... you'll probably notice lots of remembrances listed below :)
791. hospitality in sharing our home
792. cleaning to welcome
793. space for guests, even when it's not much space I'm so thankful they'll come
794. my mom who thinks of details, like cereal for my husband (this may have made the list before!)
795. my brother who made the trip
796. computer help
797. a day trip to the Kentucky Horse Park
798. the wonderful span of God's creation
799. horses that are strong and graceful
800. a pony that gave rides
801. my brave little girl who was happy to ride
802. a generous brother who shared his recent door prize from work and bought our tickets
803. ice cream from Graeter's, even more special when shared with our company from out of town
804. swimming with happy little girls
805. Moriah floating with a lifejacket on inside a baby float - so silly!
806. my flexible schedule
807. more family making the trip, to celebrate Moriah's birthday with us
808. two uncles helping with a head stand, so happy to play
809. gifts shared so generously
810. organization
811. cooking for family
812. having some out to eat time
813. really good hamburgers
814. a birthday party!
815. pink strawberry cake, just as Moriah requested
816. special friends coming to celebrate
817. a dog as the guest of honor for a puppy birthday party
818. time to play as a family, Scattegories was the game of choice
819. laughing together
820. story telling
821. worshipping together
822. visiting one who longed for the Lord's presence even after his 95th birthday
823. finding out that only a couple of days later our church member is now with God who comforts
824. grandmotherly helping hands
825. a sweet weekend that leaves me a bit teary
826. dishes washed and dried before I even knew I hadn't gotten to them yet
827. fresh flowers that bring so much cheer - yellow sunflowers, orange Gerber daisies, and pink zinnias to be precise
828. moments to sing over my big girl as she calms to sleep
829. a pacifier traded for a pillow
830. praying with faith in the Lord who hears
*tomorrow I'll plan on a picture update to go with many of these, tonight I'm off to bed!
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