Tuesday, March 6, 2012

an abundant life

from Jesus in John 10:10 "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
My abundance comes primarily from the person of Christ, beyond every precious and lovely gift listed He gave Himself at the cross that my constant disobedience and struggles could be forgiven and made right through the perfect life He lived. Praise the Lord for Christ and most importantly for His rising from the grave, showing all that He has power greater than death, the death I deserve. Instead He ushers us into eternity joyful in His presence and walks each day with us now, changing us to be like Him more and more.

462. a husband who works to provide for us well
463. shirts to be ironed for the hard working husband
464. a sleepy baby who tells me when she's tired these days
465. kisses from my little love spontaneously throughout the day, often accompanied by "pats" as she says
466. little boys who love the thrill of a "big job" and "hard work", a shadow of life in the Garden perhaps when even work was holy and without toil
467. growing green onions in a vase, an amazing Pinterest help
468. household chores in small bits each day
469. a happy baby who's on the mend after a long stretch of illness (my little friend Molly who I spend days nannying)
470. the joy of marriage, watching it on the face of a dear friend
471. opportunities to share the Lord's goodness in all of life
472. late community groups full of fellowship and time seeking the Lord
473. mutual encouragement from the body
474. walks in warm weather
475. a "Dutch baby" for dinner (aka oven pancake)
476. perfect provision even when it feels hard
477. a flower girl dress found and purchased used
478. snowsuits on little ones
479. the twinkle in his eye when he offered up his John Deere hat to my sweet daughter
480. the hope of a producing garden this summer and hands on learning
481. a full day off to learn
482. a daddy-daughter day while I go
483. safety in tornados
484. waiting out the storm with lots of friends and babies who consider it a play date of sorts
485. greater efficiency in the home
486. life less cluttered with things that don't offer purpose or beauty
487. tangibly pursuing the Lord with my husband
488. seeing the body at work in a local church and community group, needs being met
489. a rocking horse on the move through the efforts of a tiny girl
490. sin confessed
491. meal preparation often from the pantry
492. check book calculations off in a favorable way
493. talking with a friend just because
494. no big injuries thus far in the life of little girl, even after a week of a few bumps and bruises
495. teaching born first of the Word then transferring into daily living
496. a mid-week day off
497. sleeping and waking all in my own home
498. the opportunity to serve
499. the early enthusiasm of a chatty girl
500. stopping to hear the birds singing throughout the day as we go to and fro, little ones don't need help seeing the most important things

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