How right it is to give thanks to the Lord for His daily graces to us... join me as I thank Him, the source of all
401. a body which can exercise
402. children's consignment sales which are helpful as a buyer and seller
403. a husband who leads with love and sacrifice
404. books that challenge and build up
405. conversation into the night
406. conviction of sin and God's grace in Christ even still
407. unwavering love from my husband in spite of sin
408. freedom apart from perfection
409. waiting to scrub the shower, choosing not to be frantic
410. learning time management through the lens of people over tasks
411. considering simplicity and longing for it
412. clearing out excess (starting with a storage unit from my former teacher days)
413. a quarter received which allowed for laundry to be cleaned, God is in both big and very small
414. chocolate sheet cake baked to share
415. mashed potatoes with cottage cheese, remembering my favorite childhood lunch at Grandma Nettie's house
416. a healthy 18 month old baby girl
417. His word which stirs my heart
418. hearing a testimony of faith from 70 years ago, "30 were baptized in the creek that day"
419. specific prayer
420. kind conversation with moms as we walk with our little ones
421. a van that can be repaired... today
422. the imitations of a helpful little girl as she cleans with me
423. classes with familiar faces all around
424. learning organization without perfection
425. books, books, books with my sweet girl
426. hash browns cooked in the oven, so much easier
427. leaving the world in the smallest of ways, finding contentment in the Lord instead
428. music leading to worship
429. clear and sunny skies today
430. my husband who works so very hard
1 comment:
Wow! This list is amazing and specific. Awesome!!
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