Saturday, January 24, 2009

new home decorating

The following pictures show our latest decorating additions...
Matt's library shelves are becoming more and more full as each semester passes and his book collections grow. Therefore, we made more room for him, by moving some of my books and a lot of old Bibles out of the office and onto a shelf near our living room/dining room. It fit well in the space and clears some shelves for him!

The next pictures show our new Audubon additions in the bathroom. I really like them. We even found the frames at Hobby Lobby during one of their 50% off framing sales... what perfect timing!

Lastly, I finished my "punch needle" project. The box advertised that it was, "fun, easy, and a quick way to smile"... seems like kind of crazy 1950's housewife marketing... but I'll admit I would agree with all claims. It only took me about one or two weeks to finish as I worked on it in the evenings over our Winter Break off and on. Framing it was a bit harder, but it worked out well. Now our kitchen has a little more life!

These are fun and restful areas of life for me. I'm thankful that the Lord has given me a desire and joy in caring for our home!

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